Better Lives

The end of an era, but a legacy that lives on

CC & Lorie

2021 marked the end of an era in Regina broadcasting, and in the history of one of the premiere annual fundraising events held in support of Hospitals of Regina Foundation. The 2021 Z99 Radiothon was the last one for the popular morning team of CC and Lorie Lindsay. The dynamic duo left a lasting legacy in our community when they turned off their microphones for the last time and stepped into well-deserved retirement. This legacy includes close to $10 million raised for our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in the Rawlco Centre for Mother Baby Care at Regina General Hospital over the past 33 years.
Our NICU sees approximately 500 babies each year. Many arrive prematurely, often with several serious health challenges. Their stories are the main reason why CC and Lorie have hosted the Radiothon all these years, forgoing sleep for up to 36 hours at a time.
“We met so many families whose stories we’ve shared on air at the Radiothon over the years,” Lorie reveals. “One that sticks out is the mother and father who brought their eight kids to see us. Half of those eight kids started out their lives in Regina’s NICU, so that really brought it home for us, and our listeners.”
CC has been involved with the Radiothon since day one in 1987. Lorie came on board two years later, after joining the morning show at Z99. In a way, it seems fitting that the 2021 Radiothon was one of their last broadcasts together, considering how synonymous they have become with the event.
“I’m proud to have been involved in every Radiothon,” says CC. “But really, it’s the people – the donors, the sponsors and the staff at the Foundation and the NICU, and of course our colleagues at Z99 - that made it what it is. That’s what I’ll miss most; that team atmosphere and shared sense of accomplishment.”
“We are so grateful for the incredible efforts of CC, Lorie, and the entire Rawlco radio team,” says Dino Sophocleous, president and CEO, Hospitals of Regina Foundation. “Their hard work on the Z99 Radiothon has helped save the lives of countless babies. We look forward to working with the new Z99 morning team to continue their legacy of caring. Meantime, we wish CC and Lorie the very best in retirement, and we offer our sincere thanks for everything they’ve done for our community.”
CC and Lorie’s last Z99 Radiothon was held on April 15th, raising a total of $416,938 in support of our NICU.
  • The end of an era, but a legacy that lives on
  • The end of an era, but a legacy that lives on
  • The end of an era, but a legacy that lives on
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